The following information relates to sworn Police Officers only as they are considered exempt workers in the Workers Compensation Act 1987 No 70. If you are an administrative employee of NSW Police, please see the SIRA claims management guide or consult your Case Manager regarding your benefits.

NSW Workers Compensation provides injured workers with support and assistance to recover from work-related injury or illness.

This support includes access to required medical treatments and supporting your income if your capacity to work has been negatively impacted by your injury.

Weekly benefits help to cover lost earnings and support your recovery at work. Your entitlement to weekly benefits may change as your situation changes. This may depend on how many hours you are working, how long you have received weekly payments, your capacity for work and/or the information that you provide in your Statutory Declaration. The weekly benefits may also be provided by different organisations over the duration of your claim.

The following information outlines the benefits paid under different scenarios and how to ensure you receive your entitlements as seamlessly as possible.

Workers Compensation Entitlements

Current Weekly Wage Rate

Your Current Weekly Wage Rate (CWWR) is your pre-injury award rate. Additional payments that you may have received for overtime, shift work, special expenses and penalty rates are not included in your CWWR.

While employed with NSW Police Force

While employed with NSW Police Force, if you have an accepted Workers Compensation claim, you are paid by NSW Police Force. The weekly benefits that you receive are reimbursed to NSW Police Force by EML.

After medical retirement from the NSW Police Force

After your medical retirement date has been confirmed and you have had your Last Day of Service, your weekly benefits will be paid to you fortnightly by EML. The timing of these payments is aligned to your usual NSW Police Force payments to ensure a smooth transition.

Completing and returning the below forms to your case manager will assist in making this change easier.

Please complete and return these forms to your Case Manager:

To obtain an accurate indication of your individual entitlements, please speak to your Case Manager.

The Statutory Rate

The statutory rate and the maximum payable amount are set by the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA). Your individual benefit is determined by the information you provide in the Statutory Declaration form.

There are different rates depending on whether you have a dependent spouse or any dependent children in your household. Please note that dependent children under the age of 21 years must be full time students. Children over the age of 21 are not considered dependents.

The statutory rate is indexed in April and October each year. Please speak to your Case Manager to determine the statutory rate that applies to you.

Tax Declaration Form

  • If you have an income protection claim you will need to complete the TFN form once for EML and once for TAL.

At Question 8, "Do you want to claim the tax-free threshold from this payer?", if you select 'Yes' on the EML declaration and 'Yes' on the TAL declaration you will likely generate a tax debt.

We recommend you contact your accountant for advice when completing the tax declaration form and advise them if you are receiving both workers compensation and income protection payments.

Work external to NSW Police Force

If you have successfully obtained employment outside of NSW Police Force, please make sure you provide your case manager with your new payslips. Your payment entitlements may change with new employment. Your case manager will calculate your current entitlements to make sure you continue to receive the correct payment.

Police Blue Ribbon Insurance

Eligible sworn NSW Police Officers receive the following compulsory Police Blue Ribbon Insurance cover through Aware Super:

  • death, terminal illness
  • total and permanent disablement (TPD)
  • income protection (IP)

Income Protection

An income protection claim is separate to Workers Compensation and is managed by TAL. The decision to accept an income protection claim is made by TAL and is not connected with EML's eligibility processes.

More information can be found here.


You can contact the NSW Police Force Shared Services team to discuss your circumstances. This team is available to answer any questions you may have around eligibility and claim lodgement.

External Phone: 8835 8400



Secure your financial future

Prepare your finances for life after medical retirement, including budgeting and superannuation.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission's MoneySmart service helps people make the most of their money. The site offers a range of useful tools and resources including:

There are numerous free and paid apps available to help manage your finances, understand where your money is going and manage savings goals. You can search for these and download from both the App store or Google Play.

For Police Officers who are still employed by NSWPF or had your last day of service less than 12 months ago, you can benefit from Converge Employee Assistance Program.

Their Money Assist service can help you work through your financial wellbeing concerns. Phone 1300 667 197 or visit their website for more information.