Schoolies Celebrations: Tips to Stay Safe

Looking out for your friends / mates

  • Stay together and always tell them where you are going and who you are going with.
  • Agree on places to meet if you separate and don’t rely solely on your mobile phone in case there is insufficient battery or coverage;

Getting Home

  • Have a plan on how you will get home – public transport / taxis are often the safest option.
  • It’s illegal and unsafe to drive under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs.
  • Never drive if you have consumed alcohol or an illicit substance and never get in a car with someone who has.

Safe Sex

  • Practice safe sex – be prepared;
  • Only ever engage in CONSENSUAL sex.  Consent must be explicit and remember that people under the influence of drugs or alcohol may not be able to consent;

Stay healthy / well

  • If you are going to drink keep track of how many drinks you have had;
  • Avoid drinking spiking by watching your drink, avoid sharing drinks, buy/pour your own drink and don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know;
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated;
  • Eat well;
  • Mixing alcohol and drugs (legal or illegal) is dangerous and increases personal risk;
  • If you feel anxious or overwhelmed talk to your friends – find a safe quiet place where you can ‘chill’ out;
  • If you or your friends feel unwell seek help.  The safest thing to do may be to call Triple Zero (000).  Calling Triple Zero (000) does not mean you are calling / involving the police or that you will get into trouble; Stay with your friend and wait until help arrives..

So knowing how to celebrate and party safely is important.

Using any illicit drug - like ecstasy, LSD, methamphetamine is illegal and dangerous.  You don’t know what the ‘drug’ contains, how pure it is or how it will affect you as an individual.

And being intoxicated, whether due to alcohol or drugs, can have significant consequences:

  • Loss of inhibition and decision- making skills leading to an increase in risk taking – e.g. unsafe sex; using drugs; driving under the influence; committing crime
  • Loss of coordination and muscle control;
  • Blackouts – passing out / loss of memory;
  • Alcohol poisoning or overdose;
  • Increased vulnerability to victimisation – sexual coercion, aggressive behaviour.

If you are going to be celebrating schoolies make sure you do it safely and don’t risk your health or that of one of your friends:

Remember to be true to yourself / know what’s right for you

  • Be firm and clear about your choices without making a big deal about it.  You’re not alone – most young people haven’t used drugs and don’t want to.
  • People might try to persuade you to change your mind but you don’t have to – your mates should understand and will respect you more for standing up for yourself.

Look after yourself and remember you don’t have to drink or take drugs to have a good time!
