A valid subpoena must be issued to the New South Wales Commissioner of Police and accompanied by payment of conduct money.

Conduct Money

The amount payable to the NSW Police Force as conduct money, is set out in the current "User Fees & Charges Schedule" under "Subpoena Processing – Conduct Money".

Conduct money can be paid by one of the following:

Service of Subpoenas

The subpoena should be served no later than the last date for service nominated by the court or within the legislated time frame, using any of the following methods:

Hand Deliver to the

Security Officer
NSW Police Headquarters
1 Charles Street
Parramatta, NSW 2150

Post to

NSW Police Force, InfoLink Unit
Locked Bag 5102
Parramatta, NSW 2124

Email to



02 8835 6888

Fax to

02 8835 6822
Note: Telephone contact should be made with InfoLink to ensure facsimile receipt (02 8835 6888)