You can report to Crime Stoppers about:

  • People wanted by the Police
  • Unsolved crimes and future crime that is being planned
  • People you know who committed criminal offences where they have not been arrested
  • Suspicious or unusual activity

Remember you can report your knowledge of criminal activity online (desktop version, mobile version), or by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

NSW Police Force YouTube Channel - Appeals for Assistance

The NSW Police Force YouTube Channel contains videos where police are appealing for your information to assist with their inquiries. Please visit the channel to view CCTV footage as well as news, unit profiles and speeches by the Commissioner.

Report in another language

If you are not confident in reporting in English, you can contact us using other languages.

Contacting a Telephone Interpreter

The Australian Government has a Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) for people who do not speak English. A non-English speaker does not pay for TIS services if contacting Crime Stoppers Australia.

To use the telephone interpreting service:

  1. Phone 131 450 from anywhere in Australia
  2. Tell the Operator the language you speak
  3. Tell the Operator the telephone number of Crime Stoppers (1800 333 000)

Telephone interpreting is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can listen to information about reporting crime to Crime Stoppers in the languages below: