The Rotary Police Officer of the Year Awards is the most prestigious event on the NSW Police Force calendar.

Major Award Categories

The premier award of the night is the NSW Rotary Police Officer of the Year, nominated by commanders only and chosen from the winners of the below categories:

  • Metropolitan Field Operations Police Officer of the Year, which recognises policing excellence for sworn officers performing duties within the Metropolitan Field Operations Commands.
  • Regional NSW Field Operations Police Officer of the Year, which recognises policing excellence for sworn officers performing duties within the Regional Field Operations Commands.
  • Investigations and Counter Terrorism Police Officer of the Year, which recognises policing excellence for sworn officers performing duties within the Investigations and Counter Terrorism Commands.
  • Corporate Services Police Officer of the Year, which recognises policing excellence for sworn officers performing duties within the Corporate Services.

Other Categories

  • Employee of the Year recognises the outstanding efforts of civilian employees of the NSW Police Force.
  • Rotary Community Award recognises the exceptional efforts of NSW Police Force employees who have worked for the benefit of the community, putting service above self whether on or off duty.
  • Volunteer in Policing Award recognises the extraordinary efforts of the NSW Volunteers in Policing who, in their own time, help ensure the community is best served by their police.

Public Nominated Awards

Customer Service Excellence Award recognises exceptional customer service provided to members of the community, and those police who contribute to the overall customer service policy by their involvement in communications, problem solving and innovation.

Criteria for nominations:

1.       Provision of customer service above and beyond normal role and function

2.       Being professional, being accessible, taking appropriate action and keeping customers informed (as per the NSW Police Customer Service Charter)

3.       Demonstrated individual and/or team customer service related communication, problem solving and/or innovation

Click here to nominate for the Customer Service Excellence Award

The IJ (Irene Juergens APM) Fellowship Award recognises outstanding individual contributions to community-based policing. The award is open to both sworn and unsworn employees, acknowledging those who demonstrate a personal commitment to engagement and crime prevention above and beyond their job requirements.

Click here to nominate for the IJ (Irene Juergens APM) Fellowship Award