• Is it occurring now?
  • Is there an immediate fear of it about to happen?
  • Is it life threatening?

If you answer YES to any of these questions call Triple Zero (000) and ask for Police.

If you are speech or hearing impaired - call the national relay service on 133 677.

What do Police need to know/what will they ask?

All information provided is extremely important to the safety of victims and the police.  The Triple Zero (000) operator will ask a number of questions that you will need to answer to the best of your ability:

  • Your location or address
  • Type of premises, eg. house, unit and on which level
  • What is actually happening now?
  • Do you know of any firearms in the premises or that the other person may keep somewhere else?
  • Where is the offender now, eg. Are they still at the location?
  • How many children are present and where are they?
  • Has any alcohol or drugs been consumed?
  • Does any person have a medical or psychiatric history?
  • Is there an enforceable AVO in place?
  • Relationship of the persons, if known

It’s not urgent, but advice and assistance is required?

Telephone or attend your Local Police Station and speak to a police officer at the station or the Domestic Violence Liaison Officer (DVLO).

Where else can I go for help?

If it’s not urgent and you don’t want to speak to police at this stage, call the 24/7 Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63 or contact one of the services located here Useful Links.

If you are going to court for an ADVO contact the Women’s Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (WDVCAS) NSW  on 1800WDVCAS (1800 938 227) or visit WDVCAS NSW Inc.

What can I do if the violence is experienced by a neighbour, relative, friend or stranger?

You do not have to provide your name when reporting an incident that is occurring or that you suspect is occurring. If you know someone who is a victim or you suspect is a victim and is in need of urgent assistance, you can call Triple Zero (000) and remain anonymous. If urgent assistance is not needed then you can call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 and report your concerns.