Prone bridge

The prone bridge test is also known as the hover or plank test measures the muscular endurance of the abdominal muscles, which are essential when wearing Police equipment belts and reduces the likelihood of lower back injury.

Performing the test

  • Start with a "down" push up position with your feet together and hands shoulder-width apart.
  • When the test starts push up to the prone bridge position, so you are resting on your hands and toes while keeping the body straight.
  • One (1) chance will be given to correct your posture if there is any change in position or excessive shaking.

Success criteria

You must hold the position for 90 seconds and will be allowed one (1) attempt at this test.

Test tips

  • Wear appropriate footwear that fits snugly to the feet.
  • Ensure you establish a comfortable position from the start.
  • Look at the floor in front of you rather than looking forward which will fatigue your neck muscles.
  • Ensure your hands are shoulder width apart and directly underneath your shoulders.
  • Image being in the 'up' position of a push up.
  • To pass the time think of something other than the test, sing a song in your head.

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