Strike Force Parrabell was established in 2015 to review 88 deaths that occurred between 1976 and 2000, which were highlighted by researchers as having potential gay-hate bias motivation, or connection with the Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual, Intersex, and Queer (LGBTIQ+) communities.

The strike force operated under the command of the former Corporate Sponsor for Sexuality, Gender Diversity, and Intersex, Deputy Commissioner Tony Crandell, and included nine specialist investigators, which included LGBTIQ+ Liaison Officers.

The review was also supported by the Homicide Squad’s Unsolved Homicide Unit.

Following three-years of extensive reviews, the findings of Strike Force Parrabell and the independent academic review was released in a Final Report in June 2018.

The Final Report consisted of 88 cases and determined that 27 cases were gay-hate bias crimes (eight (8) confirmed and nineteen (19) suspected). At that time, five remained unsolved. In addition, a series of recommendations for the NSW Police Force, which aim to continually strengthen its relationship with the LGBTIQ+ communities were also made.